dtCrowd Member List

This is the complete list of members for dtCrowd, including all inherited members.

addAgent(const float *pos, const dtCrowdAgentParams *params)dtCrowd
getActiveAgents(dtCrowdAgent **agents, const int maxAgents)dtCrowd
getAgent(const int idx)dtCrowd
getAgentCount() const dtCrowd
getFilter() const dtCrowdinline
getGrid() const dtCrowdinline
getNavMeshQuery() const dtCrowdinline
getObstacleAvoidanceParams(const int idx) const dtCrowd
getPathQueue() const dtCrowdinline
getQueryExtents() const dtCrowdinline
getVelocitySampleCount() const dtCrowdinline
init(const int maxAgents, const float maxAgentRadius, dtNavMesh *nav)dtCrowd
removeAgent(const int idx)dtCrowd
requestMoveTarget(const int idx, dtPolyRef ref, const float *pos)dtCrowd
requestMoveVelocity(const int idx, const float *vel)dtCrowd
resetMoveTarget(const int idx)dtCrowd
setObstacleAvoidanceParams(const int idx, const dtObstacleAvoidanceParams *params)dtCrowd
update(const float dt, dtCrowdAgentDebugInfo *debug)dtCrowd
updateAgentParameters(const int idx, const dtCrowdAgentParams *params)dtCrowd