gemActor Class Reference

Any semi-autonomous object, either a player or an NPC. More...

#include <gem.h>


struct  ChatHistoryEntry
 Info: Stores a chat history element. More...
struct  DRstate

Public Member Functions

int ActiveSpellCount (const csString &name)
void AddActiveSpell (ActiveSpell *asp)
void AddAttackerHistory (gemActor *attacker, float damage)
void AddAttackerHistory (gemActor *attacker, float hpRate, csTicks duration)
bool AddChatReport (gemActor *reporter)
 Adds an active report (file logging session) to this actor. More...
bool AtRest () const
void AttachScript (ProgressionScript *script, int type)
virtual void Broadcast (int clientnum, bool control)
virtual void BroadcastTargetStatDR (ClientConnectionSet *clients)
bool CanBeAttackedBy (gemActor *attacker, gemActor *&lastAttacker) const
void CancelActiveSpellsForDeath ()
void CancelActiveSpellsWhichDamage ()
void ClearDamageHistory ()
void Defeat ()
void DetachScript (ProgressionScript *script, int type)
void DoDamage (gemActor *attacker, float damage)
void EndAttack ()
void FallBegan (const csVector3 &pos, iSector *sector)
 Called when the object began falling - 'fallBeginning' tells where the fall started displaceY is the displacement that needs to be added to due to passing through warping portals portalSector is the final sector of the player after passing through the warping portals. More...
float FallEnded (const csVector3 &pos, iSector *sector)
 Called when the object has fallen down - sets its falling status to false. More...
ActiveSpellFindActiveSpell (const csString &name, SPELL_TYPE type)
int FindAnimIndex (const char *name)
gemObjectFindNearbyActorName (const char *name)
 Used by chat manager to identify an npc you are near if you talk to one. More...
virtual void ForcePositionUpdate (int32_t loadDelay=0, csString background="", csVector2 point1=0, csVector2 point2=0, csString widget="")
 gemActor (GEMSupervisor *gemsupervisor, CacheManager *cachemanager, EntityManager *entitymanager, psCharacter *chardata, const char *factname, InstanceID myInstance, iSector *room, const csVector3 &pos, float rotangle, int clientnum)
uint32_t GetActiveMagicSequence ()
 Get the activeMagic sequence, updating to the next value;. More...
csArray< ActiveSpell * > & GetActiveSpells ()
FrozenBuffableGetBuffableFrozen ()
virtual psCharacterGetCharacterData ()
virtual ClientGetClient () const
const StanceGetCombatStance ()
AttackerHistoryGetDamageHistory (int pos) const
size_t GetDamageHistoryCount () const
virtual unsigned GetDefaultAttackID ()
virtual csString GetDefaultBehavior (const csString &dfltBehaviors)
csTicks GetFallStartTime ()
bool GetFiniteInventory ()
const char * GetFirstName ()
csPtr< PlayerGroupGetGroup ()
int GetGroupID ()
psGuildInfoGetGuild ()
psGuildLevelGetGuildLevel ()
psGuildMemberGetGuildMembership ()
 Gets the psguildmember structure refereed to this actor, if in a guild. More...
const char * GetGuildName ()
virtual bool GetInvincibility ()
void GetLastLocation (csVector3 &pos, float &yrot, iSector *&sector, InstanceID &instance)
 Get the last reported location this actor was at. More...
void GetLastProductionPos (csVector3 &pos)
virtual void GetLastSuperclientPos (csVector3 &pos, InstanceID &instance, csTicks &last) const
int GetMasqueradeLevel ()
const char * GetModeStr ()
 Return a string name of the mode. More...
psCharacterGetMount () const
virtual const char * GetObjectType ()
virtual PID GetPID ()
void GetPrevTeleportLocation (csVector3 &pos, float &yrot, iSector *&sector, InstanceID &instance)
 Get the location of the player before he was teleported. More...
const csVector3 & GetProductionStartPos (void) const
 Returns the place where the player last started digging. More...
float GetRelativeFaction (gemActor *speaker)
int GetSecurityLevel ()
bool GetSpawnPos (csVector3 &pos, float &yrot, iSector *&sector, bool useRange=false)
 Gets the player spawn position according to his race. More...
gemObjectGetTargetObject () const
int GetTargetType (gemObject *target)
 Get the target type in regards to attacks. More...
psWorkGameEventGetTradeWork ()
 Return trade work event so it can be stopped. More...
void GetValidPos (csVector3 &pos, float &yrot, iSector *&sector, InstanceID &instance)
virtual float GetVelocity ()
 Get the z velocity of the actor. More...
bool GetViewAllObjects ()
 Flag to determine of this player can see all objects. More...
virtual bool GetVisibility ()
void HandleDeath ()
virtual bool HasBeenAttackedBy (gemActor *attacker)
 Checks the attacker history to see if the attacker has actually attacked the entity. More...
bool InGroup () const
virtual bool InsideGuardedArea (gemObject *object)
 Check if object is inside guarded area. More...
void InterruptSpellCasting ()
void InvokeAttackScripts (gemActor *defender, psItem *weapon)
void InvokeDefenseScripts (gemActor *attacker, psItem *weapon)
void InvokeMovementScripts ()
void InvokeNearlyDeadScripts (gemActor *defender, psItem *weapon)
bool IsAllowedToAttack (gemObject *target, csString &msg)
 Checks if our actor can attack given target. More...
bool IsAllowedToMove ()
bool IsFalling ()
 Checks if the object is falling. More...
bool IsFrozen ()
bool IsGroupedWith (gemActor *other, bool IncludePets=false) const
bool IsLoggingChat () const
 Returns /report file logging status. More...
bool IsMounted ()
bool IsMyPet (gemActor *other) const
bool IsSpellCasting ()
void Kill (gemActor *attacker)
bool LogChatMessage (const char *who, const psChatMessage &msg)
 Adds the chat message to the history and optionally to the log file. More...
bool LogLine (const char *szLine)
 Saves a line to this actor's chat history and logs it to a file, if there are active reports. More...
bool LogSystemMessage (const char *szLine)
 Saves a system message to this actor's chat history and logs it to a file, if there are active reports. More...
void MoveToLastPos ()
 Moves player to his last reported location. More...
bool MoveToSpawnPos (int32_t delay=0, csString background="", csVector2 point1=0, csVector2 point2=0, csString widget="")
 Moves player to his spawn position. More...
bool MoveToValidPos (bool force=false)
 Restores actor to his last valid position. More...
void MulticastDRUpdate ()
void ProcessStamina ()
void ProcessStamina (const csVector3 &velocity, bool force=false)
void RegisterCallback (iDeathCallback *receiver)
bool RemoveActiveSpell (ActiveSpell *asp)
void RemoveAttackerHistory (gemActor *attacker)
void RemoveChatReport ()
 Removes an active report (file logging session) for this actor. More...
void RemoveFromGroup ()
void Resurrect ()
virtual bool SeesObject (gemObject *object, float range)
virtual bool Send (int clientnum, bool control, bool to_superclients, psPersistAllEntities *allEntities=NULL)
 Send this object to the given client. More...
void SendActiveSpells ()
virtual void SendBehaviorMessage (const csString &str, gemObject *obj)
virtual void SendGroupMessage (MsgEntry *me)
 Distribute this object to all members of a group. More...
virtual void SendGroupStats ()
virtual void SendTargetStatDR (Client *client)
void SetAction (const char *anim, csTicks &timeDelay)
void SetAllowedToDisconnect (bool allowed)
 Call this to ask the actor to set allowed to disconnect in the connected client. More...
void SetAllowedToMove (bool newvalue)
virtual void SetCombatStance (const Stance &stance)
virtual void SetDefaultAttackID (unsigned)
void SetDefaults (bool player)
 Set attributes back to default. More...
bool SetDRData (psDRMessage &drmsg)
void SetEquipment (const char *equip)
void SetFiniteInventory (bool v)
void SetFrozen (bool flag)
 Check whether the actor is frozen. More...
void SetGroup (PlayerGroup *group)
void SetInstance (InstanceID worldInstance)
virtual void SetInvincibility (bool invincible)
void SetLastProductionPos (csVector3 &pos)
virtual void SetLastSuperclientPos (const csVector3 &pos, InstanceID instance, const csTicks &now)
void SetMasqueradeLevel (int level)
bool SetMesh (const char *meshname)
void SetMode (PSCHARACTER_MODE newmode, uint32_t extraData=0)
void SetMount (psCharacter *newMount)
void SetPosition (const csVector3 &pos, float angle, iSector *sector)
void SetPrevTeleportLocation (const csVector3 &pos, float yrot, iSector *sector, InstanceID instance)
 Record the location of this actor before he was teleported. More...
void SetProductionStartPos (const csVector3 &pos)
 Sets the place where the player started digging. More...
void SetSecurityLevel (int level)
void SetSpellCasting (psSpellCastGameEvent *event)
void SetTargetObject (gemObject *object)
void SetTextureParts (const char *parts)
void SetTradeWork (psWorkGameEvent *event)
 Assign trade work event so it can be accessed. More...
bool SetupCharData ()
void SetViewAllObjects (bool v)
virtual void SetVisibility (bool visible)
void Sit ()
 Make the character sit. More...
void Stand ()
 Makes the character stand up. More...
bool StartAttack ()
void StopMoving (bool worldVel=false)
void Teleport (const char *sec, const csVector3 &pos, float yrot, InstanceID instance, int32_t loadDelay=0, csString background="", csVector2 point1=0, csVector2 point2=0, csString widget="")
void Teleport (iSector *sector, const csVector3 &pos, float yrot, InstanceID instance, int32_t loadDelay=0, csString background="", csVector2 point1=0, csVector2 point2=0, csString widget="")
void Teleport (iSector *sector, const csVector3 &pos, float yrot, int32_t loadDelay=0, csString background="", csVector2 point1=0, csVector2 point2=0, csString widget="")
void UnregisterCallback (iDeathCallback *receiver)
virtual bool UpdateDR ()
void UpdateStats ()
 Checks the vitals (hp, mana, ...) for the specific gemActor If there are updates to publish, it then uses SendStatDRMessage to inform all actors client side. More...
void UpdateValidLocation (const csVector3 &pos, float yrot, iSector *sector, InstanceID instance, bool force=false)
virtual ~gemActor ()
iScriptableVar implementation

Functions that implement the iScriptableVar interface.

virtual double GetProperty (MathEnvironment *env, const char *ptr)
virtual double CalcFunction (MathEnvironment *env, const char *functionName, const double *params)
- Public Member Functions inherited from gemObject
virtual void Disconnect ()
 Called when a client disconnects. More...
virtual void Dump ()
 Dump debug information. More...
gemActorGetActorPtr ()
gemActionLocationGetALPtr ()
virtual float GetBaseAdvertiseRange ()
 This value indicates the range that this entity would become visible to other entities if no other modifiers were taken into consideration. More...
uint32_t GetClientID ()
InstanceID GetInstance ()
psItemGetItem ()
gemItemGetItemPtr ()
const char * GetName ()
gemNPCGetNPCPtr ()
gemPetGetPetPtr ()
bool IsAlive () const
 Returns whether the object is alive. More...
virtual bool IsUpdateReq (csVector3 const &pos, csVector3 const &oldPos)
virtual bool IsValid (void)
float RangeTo (gemObject *obj, bool ignoreY=false, bool ignoreInstance=false)
void RegisterCallback (iDeleteObjectCallback *receiver)
void SetAlive (bool flag, bool queue=true)
 Set needed stats for alive or dead for object. More...
void SetInstance (InstanceID newInstance)
void SetName (const char *n)
void UnregisterCallback (iDeleteObjectCallback *receiver)
virtual ~gemObject ()
virtual const char * ToString ()
iMeshWrapper * GetMeshWrapper ()
csString GetMesh ()
void Move (const csVector3 &pos, float rotangle, iSector *room)
bool IsNear (gemObject *obj, float radius, bool ignoreY=false)
const csVector3 & GetPosition ()
void GetPosition (csVector3 &pos, float &yrot, iSector *&sector)
void GetPosition (csVector3 &pos, iSector *&sector)
float GetAngle ()
 Get rotation of entity as returned by psWorld::Matrix2YRot. More...
iSector * GetSector ()
const char * GetSectorName ()
csArray< gemObject * > * GetObjectsInRange (float range)
ProximityListGetProxList ()
csArray< PublishDestination > & GetMulticastClients ()
 Returns all the clients which are inside our proxy list. More...
void UpdateProxList (bool force=false)
 Generates proxlist if needed (or forced). More...
void RemoveFromAllProx ()
void SetAlwaysWatching (bool w)
bool AlwaysWatching ()
virtual int GetGuildID ()
virtual psNPCDialogGetNPCDialogPtr ()
virtual void AddLootablePlayer (PID playerID)
virtual void RemoveLootablePlayer (PID playerID)
virtual bool IsLootablePlayer (PID playerID)
virtual ClientGetRandomLootClient (int range)
virtual AccountID GetSuperclientID ()
virtual void SetSuperclientID (AccountID id)
virtual gemObjectGetOwner ()
virtual bool HasKillStealProtection ()
 Returns if the object has killsteal protection. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from iDeleteNotificationObject
virtual ~iDeleteNotificationObject ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from iScriptableVar
virtual ~iScriptableVar ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from iDeathNotificationObject
virtual ~iDeathNotificationObject ()

Public Attributes

GM/debug abilities

Turn on and of features used for GMs/debuging.

bool nevertired
 These flags are for GM/debug abilities. More...
bool infinitemana
 infinite mana More...
bool instantcast
 cast spells instantly More...
bool safefall
 no fall damage More...
bool questtester
 no quest lockouts More...
bool givekillexp
 give exp if killed More...

Protected Member Functions

virtual void ApplyStaminaCalculations (const csVector3 &velocity, float times)
bool InitCharData (Client *c)
bool InitLinMove (const csVector3 &pos, float angle, iSector *sector)
 Determines the right size and height for the collider for the sprite and sets the actual position of the sprite. More...
void SetGMDefaults ()
 Set initial attributes for GMs. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from gemObject
 gemObject (GEMSupervisor *gemsupervisor, EntityManager *entitymanager, CacheManager *cachemanager, const char *name, const char *factname, InstanceID myinstance, iSector *room, const csVector3 &pos, float rotangle, int clientnum)
void InitMesh (const char *name, const csVector3 &pos, const float rotangle, iSector *room)
bool InitProximityList (float radius, int clientnum)

Protected Attributes

uint32_t activeMagic_seq
 active magic message seq More...
unsigned int activeReports
 unsigned int activeReports Info: Total /report commands filed against this player that are still active (logging). More...
csArray< ActiveSpell * > activeSpells
bool atRest
 Is this character stationary or moving? More...
uint8_t attack_cnt
 Count of attack events in CS event queue. More...
csVector3 bottom
csArray< ChatHistoryEntrychatHistory
 csArray<ChatHistoryEntry> chatHistory Info: Chat history for this player. A chat line stays in history for CHAT_HISTORY_LIFETIME (defined in gem.cpp). More...
csWeakRef< ClientclientRef
Stance combat_stance
csArray< iDeathCallback * > deathReceivers
 List of objects which are to be notified when this actor dies. More...
csPDelArray< AttackerHistorydmgHistory
uint8_t DRcounter
 increments in loop to prevent out of order packet overwrites of better data More...
csVector3 fallStartPos
 the position where the fall began More...
iSector * fallStartSector
 the sector where the fall began More...
csTicks fallStartTime
uint8_t forceDRcounter
 sequence number for forced position updates More...
iSector * forcedSector
 Needed to force the effect of a psForcePositionMessage since sectors are tied to instances and force position messages may be lost on crash, loading failure, etc. This ensures that a DR message containing the new sector is received at least once. More...
csRef< PlayerGroupgroup
bool invincible
 cannot be attacked More...
bool isAllowedToMove
 Is a movement lockout in effect? More...
bool isFalling
 is this object falling down ? More...
FrozenBuffable isFrozen
 Whether the actor is frozen or not. More...
DRstate last_location
csVector3 last_production_pos
csTicks lastDR
unsigned int lastSentSuperclientInstance
csVector3 lastSentSuperclientPos
csTicks lastSentSuperclientTick
csVector3 lastV
csRef< iFile > logging_chat_file
 csRef<iFile> logging_chat_file Info: log file handle. More...
int masqueradeLevel
uint8_t movementMode
 Actor movement mode from DB table movement_modes. More...
DRstate newvalid_location
csVector3 offset
csPDelArray< ProgressionScriptonAttackScripts
csPDelArray< ProgressionScriptonDefenseScripts
csPDelArray< ProgressionScriptonMovementScripts
csPDelArray< ProgressionScriptonNearlyDeadScripts
PID pid
 Player ID (also known as character ID or PID) More...
DRstate prev_teleport_location
csVector3 productionStartPos
 Production Start Pos is used to record the place where people started digging. More...
int securityLevel
 What commands the actor can access. Normally only for a player controlled object. More...
 Hold a pointer to the game event < for the spell currently cast. More...
csWeakRef< gemObjecttargetObject
 Is the current targeted object for this actor. More...
csVector3 top
struct gemActor::DRstate valid_location
bool viewAllObjects
 can view invisible objects? More...
bool visible
 is visible to clients ? More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from gemObject
bool alwaysWatching
 True if this object always watches (proxlists) regardless of owner. More...
EID eid
 Entity ID (unique identifier for object) More...
csString factname
 Name of CS Mesh Factory used to create this object. More...
bool is_alive
 Flag indicating whether object is alive or not. More...
csString matname
 Name of base material used by this object. More...
csString name
 Name of this object, used mostly for debugging. More...
csRef< iMeshFactoryWrapper > nullfact
 Null factory for our mesh instances. More...
 link to mesh class More...
float prox_distance_current
 What is the current actual range for proxlists (they adjust when the # of objects gets too high) More...
float prox_distance_desired
 What is the maximum range of proxlist we want. More...
 Proximity List for this object. More...
csArray< iDeleteObjectCallback * > receivers
 List of objects which are to be notified when this object is deleted. More...
bool valid
 Is object fully loaded. More...
InstanceID worldInstance
 Only objects which match instances can see each other. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Protected Attributes inherited from gemObject
static GEMSupervisorcel
 Static ptr back to main collection of all objects. More...

Detailed Description

Any semi-autonomous object, either a player or an NPC.

Definition at line 1170 of file gem.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

gemActor::gemActor ( GEMSupervisor gemsupervisor,
CacheManager cachemanager,
EntityManager entitymanager,
psCharacter chardata,
const char *  factname,
InstanceID  myInstance,
iSector *  room,
const csVector3 &  pos,
float  rotangle,
int  clientnum 
virtual gemActor::~gemActor ( )

Member Function Documentation

int gemActor::ActiveSpellCount ( const csString &  name)
void gemActor::AddActiveSpell ( ActiveSpell asp)
void gemActor::AddAttackerHistory ( gemActor attacker,
float  damage 
void gemActor::AddAttackerHistory ( gemActor attacker,
float  hpRate,
csTicks  duration 
bool gemActor::AddChatReport ( gemActor reporter)

Adds an active report (file logging session) to this actor.

[in]reporterThe client actor issuing /report
true on success, or false on error (failure to start logging probably)
virtual void gemActor::ApplyStaminaCalculations ( const csVector3 &  velocity,
float  times 

Reimplemented in gemNPC.

bool gemActor::AtRest ( ) const

Definition at line 1724 of file gem.h.

void gemActor::AttachScript ( ProgressionScript script,
int  type 
virtual void gemActor::Broadcast ( int  clientnum,
bool  control 
clientnumThe client that initiated this update.
controlSet to true when sent to the controlling client.

Reimplemented from gemObject.

Reimplemented in gemNPC.

virtual void gemActor::BroadcastTargetStatDR ( ClientConnectionSet clients)

Reimplemented from gemObject.

virtual double gemActor::CalcFunction ( MathEnvironment env,
const char *  functionName,
const double *  params 

Reimplemented from gemObject.

bool gemActor::CanBeAttackedBy ( gemActor attacker,
gemActor *&  lastAttacker 
) const
void gemActor::CancelActiveSpellsForDeath ( )
void gemActor::CancelActiveSpellsWhichDamage ( )
bool gemActor::CanSwitchMode ( PSCHARACTER_MODE  from,
void gemActor::ClearDamageHistory ( )

Definition at line 1810 of file gem.h.

void gemActor::Defeat ( )
void gemActor::DetachScript ( ProgressionScript script,
int  type 
void gemActor::DoDamage ( gemActor attacker,
float  damage 
void gemActor::EndAttack ( )

Definition at line 1382 of file gem.h.

void gemActor::FallBegan ( const csVector3 &  pos,
iSector *  sector 

Called when the object began falling - 'fallBeginning' tells where the fall started displaceY is the displacement that needs to be added to due to passing through warping portals portalSector is the final sector of the player after passing through the warping portals.

float gemActor::FallEnded ( const csVector3 &  pos,
iSector *  sector 

Called when the object has fallen down - sets its falling status to false.

ActiveSpell* gemActor::FindActiveSpell ( const csString &  name,
int gemActor::FindAnimIndex ( const char *  name)
gemObject* gemActor::FindNearbyActorName ( const char *  name)

Used by chat manager to identify an npc you are near if you talk to one.

virtual void gemActor::ForcePositionUpdate ( int32_t  loadDelay = 0,
csString  background = "",
csVector2  point1 = 0,
csVector2  point2 = 0,
csString  widget = "" 
uint32_t gemActor::GetActiveMagicSequence ( )

Get the activeMagic sequence, updating to the next value;.

Definition at line 1900 of file gem.h.

csArray<ActiveSpell*>& gemActor::GetActiveSpells ( )

Definition at line 1827 of file gem.h.

FrozenBuffable& gemActor::GetBuffableFrozen ( )

Definition at line 1439 of file gem.h.

virtual psCharacter* gemActor::GetCharacterData ( )

Reimplemented from gemObject.

Definition at line 1322 of file gem.h.

virtual Client* gemActor::GetClient ( ) const

Reimplemented from gemObject.

const Stance& gemActor::GetCombatStance ( )

Definition at line 1368 of file gem.h.

AttackerHistory* gemActor::GetDamageHistory ( int  pos) const

Definition at line 1802 of file gem.h.

size_t gemActor::GetDamageHistoryCount ( ) const

Definition at line 1806 of file gem.h.

virtual unsigned gemActor::GetDefaultAttackID ( )

Reimplemented in gemNPC.

Definition at line 1390 of file gem.h.

virtual csString gemActor::GetDefaultBehavior ( const csString &  dfltBehaviors)

Reimplemented from gemObject.

Reimplemented in gemNPC.

csTicks gemActor::GetFallStartTime ( )

Definition at line 1719 of file gem.h.

bool gemActor::GetFiniteInventory ( )

Definition at line 1866 of file gem.h.

const char* gemActor::GetFirstName ( )

Definition at line 1607 of file gem.h.

csPtr<PlayerGroup> gemActor::GetGroup ( )
int gemActor::GetGroupID ( )
psGuildInfo* gemActor::GetGuild ( )

Reimplemented from gemObject.

Definition at line 1613 of file gem.h.

psGuildLevel* gemActor::GetGuildLevel ( )

Definition at line 1617 of file gem.h.

psGuildMember* gemActor::GetGuildMembership ( )

Gets the psguildmember structure refereed to this actor, if in a guild.

psGuildMember: A pointer to the psGuildMember structure of this actor

Definition at line 1627 of file gem.h.

const char* gemActor::GetGuildName ( )
virtual bool gemActor::GetInvincibility ( )

Definition at line 1736 of file gem.h.

void gemActor::GetLastLocation ( csVector3 &  pos,
float yrot,
iSector *&  sector,
InstanceID instance 

Get the last reported location this actor was at.

void gemActor::GetLastProductionPos ( csVector3 &  pos)

Definition at line 1487 of file gem.h.

virtual void gemActor::GetLastSuperclientPos ( csVector3 &  pos,
InstanceID instance,
csTicks &  last 
) const

Reimplemented from gemObject.

int gemActor::GetMasqueradeLevel ( )

Definition at line 1477 of file gem.h.

PSCHARACTER_MODE gemActor::GetMode ( )

Definition at line 1362 of file gem.h.

const char* gemActor::GetModeStr ( )

Return a string name of the mode.

psCharacter* gemActor::GetMount ( ) const

Definition at line 1346 of file gem.h.

virtual const char* gemActor::GetObjectType ( )

Reimplemented from gemObject.

Reimplemented in gemPet, and gemNPC.

Definition at line 1318 of file gem.h.

virtual PID gemActor::GetPID ( )

Reimplemented from gemObject.

Definition at line 1328 of file gem.h.

void gemActor::GetPrevTeleportLocation ( csVector3 &  pos,
float yrot,
iSector *&  sector,
InstanceID instance 

Get the location of the player before he was teleported.

const csVector3& gemActor::GetProductionStartPos ( void  ) const

Returns the place where the player last started digging.

The location where the player last started digging.

Definition at line 1497 of file gem.h.

virtual double gemActor::GetProperty ( MathEnvironment env,
const char *  ptr 

Reimplemented from gemObject.

float gemActor::GetRelativeFaction ( gemActor speaker)
int gemActor::GetSecurityLevel ( )

Definition at line 1473 of file gem.h.

bool gemActor::GetSpawnPos ( csVector3 &  pos,
float yrot,
iSector *&  sector,
bool  useRange = false 

Gets the player spawn position according to his race.

Implement the support for player specific spawn pos, not only race specific.
posA csVector where to store the player position.
yrotA float where to store the rotation of the player.
sectorAn iSector where to store the sector of the position the player.
useRangeA boolean which says if we have to apply random range calculation in the positions.
FALSE If the race or the destination sector of the player can't be found.
gemObject* gemActor::GetTargetObject ( ) const

Definition at line 1880 of file gem.h.

int gemActor::GetTargetType ( gemObject target)

Get the target type in regards to attacks.

psWorkGameEvent* gemActor::GetTradeWork ( )

Return trade work event so it can be stopped.

Definition at line 1419 of file gem.h.

void gemActor::GetValidPos ( csVector3 &  pos,
float yrot,
iSector *&  sector,
InstanceID instance 
virtual float gemActor::GetVelocity ( )

Get the z velocity of the actor.

Reimplemented from gemObject.

bool gemActor::GetViewAllObjects ( )

Flag to determine of this player can see all objects.

Definition at line 1745 of file gem.h.

virtual bool gemActor::GetVisibility ( )

Reimplemented from gemObject.

Definition at line 1729 of file gem.h.

void gemActor::HandleDeath ( )
virtual bool gemActor::HasBeenAttackedBy ( gemActor attacker)

Checks the attacker history to see if the attacker has actually attacked the entity.

Used to exclude from loot those who didn't actually partecipate in the attack even if they are grouped.

attackerA pointer to the actor we are checking if it has attacked.
TRUE if the actor has attacked the entity.
bool gemActor::InGroup ( ) const
bool gemActor::InitCharData ( Client c)
bool gemActor::InitLinMove ( const csVector3 &  pos,
float  angle,
iSector *  sector 

Determines the right size and height for the collider for the sprite and sets the actual position of the sprite.

virtual bool gemActor::InsideGuardedArea ( gemObject object)

Check if object is inside guarded area.

Guarded are is a circle of RANGE_TO_GUARD around player and pet.

void gemActor::InterruptSpellCasting ( )

Definition at line 1403 of file gem.h.

void gemActor::InvokeAttackScripts ( gemActor defender,
psItem weapon 
void gemActor::InvokeDefenseScripts ( gemActor attacker,
psItem weapon 
void gemActor::InvokeMovementScripts ( )
void gemActor::InvokeNearlyDeadScripts ( gemActor defender,
psItem weapon 
bool gemActor::IsAllowedToAttack ( gemObject target,
csString &  msg 

Checks if our actor can attack given target.

If not, send him some informative text message

bool gemActor::IsAllowedToMove ( )

< Covers sitting, death, and out-of-stamina

Definition at line 1424 of file gem.h.

bool gemActor::IsFalling ( )

Checks if the object is falling.

Definition at line 1714 of file gem.h.

bool gemActor::IsFrozen ( )

Definition at line 1435 of file gem.h.

bool gemActor::IsGroupedWith ( gemActor other,
bool  IncludePets = false 
) const
bool gemActor::IsLoggingChat ( ) const

Returns /report file logging status.

Definition at line 1533 of file gem.h.

bool gemActor::IsMounted ( )

Definition at line 1356 of file gem.h.

bool gemActor::IsMyPet ( gemActor other) const
bool gemActor::IsSpellCasting ( )

Definition at line 1399 of file gem.h.

void gemActor::Kill ( gemActor attacker)

Definition at line 1649 of file gem.h.

bool gemActor::LogChatMessage ( const char *  who,
const psChatMessage msg 

Adds the chat message to the history and optionally to the log file.

[in]whoThe name of the character who sent this message
[in]msgThe chat message
Returns true if the message was written to the log file
bool gemActor::LogLine ( const char *  szLine)

Saves a line to this actor's chat history and logs it to a file, if there are active reports.

Returns true if the line was written to the log file
bool gemActor::LogSystemMessage ( const char *  szLine)

Saves a system message to this actor's chat history and logs it to a file, if there are active reports.

Returns true if the line was written to the log file
void gemActor::MoveToLastPos ( )

Moves player to his last reported location.

bool gemActor::MoveToSpawnPos ( int32_t  delay = 0,
csString  background = "",
csVector2  point1 = 0,
csVector2  point2 = 0,
csString  widget = "" 

Moves player to his spawn position.

delayThe time to wait in the load screen even if the new position was already loaded.
backgroundThe background to use when the load screen is shown or if it's forced.
point1Start point for animation
point2Destination point for animation
widgetThe widget which will replace the normal loading one, if any is defined.
TRUE in case of success. FALSE if the character lacks a spawn position.
bool gemActor::MoveToValidPos ( bool  force = false)

Restores actor to his last valid position.

forceForce an update if set to true.
void gemActor::MulticastDRUpdate ( )
void gemActor::ProcessStamina ( )
void gemActor::ProcessStamina ( const csVector3 &  velocity,
bool  force = false 
void gemActor::RegisterCallback ( iDeathCallback receiver)

Implements iDeathNotificationObject.

Definition at line 1586 of file gem.h.

bool gemActor::RemoveActiveSpell ( ActiveSpell asp)
void gemActor::RemoveAttackerHistory ( gemActor attacker)
void gemActor::RemoveChatReport ( )

Removes an active report (file logging session) for this actor.

This function is invoked automatically after a specific amount of time from the report activation.

void gemActor::RemoveFromGroup ( )
void gemActor::Resurrect ( )
virtual bool gemActor::SeesObject ( gemObject object,
float  range 

Reimplemented from gemObject.

virtual bool gemActor::Send ( int  clientnum,
bool  control,
bool  to_superclients,
psPersistAllEntities allEntities = NULL 

Send this object to the given client.

clientnumThe client that initiated this update.
controlSet to true when sent to the controlling client.
to_superclientsSend to super clients
allEntitiesBuffer the message instead of sending it.

Reimplemented from gemObject.

Reimplemented in gemNPC.

void gemActor::SendActiveSpells ( )
virtual void gemActor::SendBehaviorMessage ( const csString &  str,
gemObject obj 

Reimplemented from gemObject.

Reimplemented in gemNPC.

virtual void gemActor::SendGroupMessage ( MsgEntry me)

Distribute this object to all members of a group.

meThe MsgEntry to send to all group members.

Reimplemented from gemObject.

virtual void gemActor::SendGroupStats ( )

Reimplemented in gemNPC.

virtual void gemActor::SendTargetStatDR ( Client client)

Reimplemented from gemObject.

void gemActor::SetAction ( const char *  anim,
csTicks &  timeDelay 
void gemActor::SetAllowedToDisconnect ( bool  allowed)

Call this to ask the actor to set allowed to disconnect in the connected client.

void gemActor::SetAllowedToMove ( bool  newvalue)
virtual void gemActor::SetCombatStance ( const Stance stance)

Reimplemented in gemNPC.

virtual void gemActor::SetDefaultAttackID ( unsigned  )

Reimplemented in gemNPC.

Definition at line 1387 of file gem.h.

void gemActor::SetDefaults ( bool  player)

Set attributes back to default.

GMs use this commands to set attributes back to the default for either a player or a GM.

playerSet to true for players. False for GMs.
bool gemActor::SetDRData ( psDRMessage drmsg)
void gemActor::SetEquipment ( const char *  equip)
void gemActor::SetFiniteInventory ( bool  v)

Definition at line 1870 of file gem.h.

void gemActor::SetFrozen ( bool  flag)

Check whether the actor is frozen.

Definition at line 1431 of file gem.h.

void gemActor::SetGMDefaults ( )

Set initial attributes for GMs.

void gemActor::SetGroup ( PlayerGroup group)
void gemActor::SetInstance ( InstanceID  worldInstance)
virtual void gemActor::SetInvincibility ( bool  invincible)
void gemActor::SetLastProductionPos ( csVector3 &  pos)

Definition at line 1483 of file gem.h.

virtual void gemActor::SetLastSuperclientPos ( const csVector3 &  pos,
InstanceID  instance,
const csTicks &  now 

Reimplemented from gemObject.

void gemActor::SetMasqueradeLevel ( int  level)
bool gemActor::SetMesh ( const char *  meshname)
don't use this directly
void gemActor::SetMode ( PSCHARACTER_MODE  newmode,
uint32_t  extraData = 0 
void gemActor::SetMount ( psCharacter newMount)

Definition at line 1351 of file gem.h.

void gemActor::SetPosition ( const csVector3 &  pos,
float  angle,
iSector *  sector 
void gemActor::SetPrevTeleportLocation ( const csVector3 &  pos,
float  yrot,
iSector *  sector,
InstanceID  instance 

Record the location of this actor before he was teleported.

void gemActor::SetProductionStartPos ( const csVector3 &  pos)

Sets the place where the player started digging.

posThe location where the player started digging.

Definition at line 1507 of file gem.h.

void gemActor::SetSecurityLevel ( int  level)
void gemActor::SetSpellCasting ( psSpellCastGameEvent event)

Definition at line 1395 of file gem.h.

void gemActor::SetTargetObject ( gemObject object)

Definition at line 1876 of file gem.h.

void gemActor::SetTextureParts ( const char *  parts)
void gemActor::SetTradeWork ( psWorkGameEvent event)

Assign trade work event so it can be accessed.

Definition at line 1411 of file gem.h.

bool gemActor::SetupCharData ( )
void gemActor::SetViewAllObjects ( bool  v)
virtual void gemActor::SetVisibility ( bool  visible)
void gemActor::Sit ( )

Make the character sit.

void gemActor::Stand ( )

Makes the character stand up.

bool gemActor::StartAttack ( )

Definition at line 1373 of file gem.h.

void gemActor::StopMoving ( bool  worldVel = false)
void gemActor::Teleport ( const char *  sec,
const csVector3 &  pos,
float  yrot,
InstanceID  instance,
int32_t  loadDelay = 0,
csString  background = "",
csVector2  point1 = 0,
csVector2  point2 = 0,
csString  widget = "" 
void gemActor::Teleport ( iSector *  sector,
const csVector3 &  pos,
float  yrot,
InstanceID  instance,
int32_t  loadDelay = 0,
csString  background = "",
csVector2  point1 = 0,
csVector2  point2 = 0,
csString  widget = "" 
void gemActor::Teleport ( iSector *  sector,
const csVector3 &  pos,
float  yrot,
int32_t  loadDelay = 0,
csString  background = "",
csVector2  point1 = 0,
csVector2  point2 = 0,
csString  widget = "" 
void gemActor::UnregisterCallback ( iDeathCallback receiver)

Implements iDeathNotificationObject.

Definition at line 1590 of file gem.h.

virtual bool gemActor::UpdateDR ( )

Reimplemented from gemObject.

void gemActor::UpdateStats ( )

Checks the vitals (hp, mana, ...) for the specific gemActor If there are updates to publish, it then uses SendStatDRMessage to inform all actors client side.

void gemActor::UpdateValidLocation ( const csVector3 &  pos,
float  yrot,
iSector *  sector,
InstanceID  instance,
bool  force = false 

Member Data Documentation

uint32_t gemActor::activeMagic_seq

active magic message seq

Definition at line 1305 of file gem.h.

unsigned int gemActor::activeReports

unsigned int activeReports Info: Total /report commands filed against this player that are still active (logging).

Definition at line 1239 of file gem.h.

csArray<ActiveSpell*> gemActor::activeSpells

Definition at line 1275 of file gem.h.

bool gemActor::atRest

Is this character stationary or moving?

Definition at line 1284 of file gem.h.

uint8_t gemActor::attack_cnt

Count of attack events in CS event queue.

Definition at line 1184 of file gem.h.

csVector3 gemActor::bottom

Definition at line 1179 of file gem.h.

csArray<ChatHistoryEntry> gemActor::chatHistory

csArray<ChatHistoryEntry> chatHistory Info: Chat history for this player. A chat line stays in history for CHAT_HISTORY_LIFETIME (defined in gem.cpp).

Definition at line 1244 of file gem.h.

csWeakRef<Client> gemActor::clientRef

Definition at line 1182 of file gem.h.

Stance gemActor::combat_stance

Definition at line 1288 of file gem.h.

csArray<iDeathCallback*> gemActor::deathReceivers

List of objects which are to be notified when this actor dies.

Definition at line 1198 of file gem.h.

csPDelArray<AttackerHistory> gemActor::dmgHistory

Definition at line 1272 of file gem.h.

uint8_t gemActor::DRcounter

increments in loop to prevent out of order packet overwrites of better data

Definition at line 1186 of file gem.h.

csVector3 gemActor::fallStartPos

the position where the fall began

Definition at line 1262 of file gem.h.

iSector* gemActor::fallStartSector

the sector where the fall began

Definition at line 1263 of file gem.h.

csTicks gemActor::fallStartTime

Definition at line 1264 of file gem.h.

uint8_t gemActor::forceDRcounter

sequence number for forced position updates

Definition at line 1187 of file gem.h.

iSector* gemActor::forcedSector

Needed to force the effect of a psForcePositionMessage since sectors are tied to instances and force position messages may be lost on crash, loading failure, etc. This ensures that a DR message containing the new sector is received at least once.

Definition at line 1298 of file gem.h.

bool gemActor::givekillexp

give exp if killed

Definition at line 1857 of file gem.h.

csRef<PlayerGroup> gemActor::group

Definition at line 1175 of file gem.h.

bool gemActor::infinitemana

infinite mana

Definition at line 1853 of file gem.h.

bool gemActor::instantcast

cast spells instantly

Definition at line 1854 of file gem.h.

bool gemActor::invincible

cannot be attacked

Definition at line 1266 of file gem.h.

bool gemActor::isAllowedToMove

Is a movement lockout in effect?

Definition at line 1283 of file gem.h.

bool gemActor::isFalling

is this object falling down ?

Definition at line 1261 of file gem.h.

FrozenBuffable gemActor::isFrozen

Whether the actor is frozen or not.

Definition at line 1285 of file gem.h.

DRstate gemActor::last_location

Definition at line 1209 of file gem.h.

csVector3 gemActor::last_production_pos

Definition at line 1180 of file gem.h.

csTicks gemActor::lastDR

Definition at line 1188 of file gem.h.

unsigned int gemActor::lastSentSuperclientInstance

Definition at line 1195 of file gem.h.

csVector3 gemActor::lastSentSuperclientPos

Definition at line 1194 of file gem.h.

csTicks gemActor::lastSentSuperclientTick

Definition at line 1196 of file gem.h.

csVector3 gemActor::lastV

Definition at line 1189 of file gem.h.

csRef<iFile> gemActor::logging_chat_file

csRef<iFile> logging_chat_file Info: log file handle.

Definition at line 1248 of file gem.h.

int gemActor::masqueradeLevel

Definition at line 1259 of file gem.h.

psCharacter* gemActor::mount

Definition at line 1177 of file gem.h.

uint8_t gemActor::movementMode

Actor movement mode from DB table movement_modes.

Definition at line 1282 of file gem.h.

bool gemActor::nevertired

These flags are for GM/debug abilities.

infinite stamina

Definition at line 1852 of file gem.h.

DRstate gemActor::newvalid_location

Definition at line 1208 of file gem.h.

csVector3 gemActor::offset

Definition at line 1179 of file gem.h.

csPDelArray<ProgressionScript> gemActor::onAttackScripts

Definition at line 1273 of file gem.h.

csPDelArray<ProgressionScript> gemActor::onDefenseScripts

Definition at line 1273 of file gem.h.

csPDelArray<ProgressionScript> gemActor::onMovementScripts

Definition at line 1273 of file gem.h.

csPDelArray<ProgressionScript> gemActor::onNearlyDeadScripts

Definition at line 1273 of file gem.h.

psLinearMovement* gemActor::pcmove

Definition at line 1308 of file gem.h.

PID gemActor::pid

Player ID (also known as character ID or PID)

Definition at line 1174 of file gem.h.

PSCHARACTER_MODE gemActor::player_mode

Definition at line 1287 of file gem.h.

DRstate gemActor::prev_teleport_location

Definition at line 1210 of file gem.h.

csVector3 gemActor::productionStartPos

Production Start Pos is used to record the place where people started digging.

Definition at line 1192 of file gem.h.

psCharacter* gemActor::psChar

Definition at line 1173 of file gem.h.

bool gemActor::questtester

no quest lockouts

Definition at line 1856 of file gem.h.

bool gemActor::safefall

no fall damage

Definition at line 1855 of file gem.h.

int gemActor::securityLevel

What commands the actor can access. Normally only for a player controlled object.

Definition at line 1258 of file gem.h.

psSpellCastGameEvent* gemActor::spellCasting

Hold a pointer to the game event < for the spell currently cast.

Definition at line 1290 of file gem.h.

csWeakRef<gemObject> gemActor::targetObject

Is the current targeted object for this actor.

Definition at line 1270 of file gem.h.

csVector3 gemActor::top

Definition at line 1179 of file gem.h.

struct gemActor::DRstate gemActor::valid_location
bool gemActor::viewAllObjects

can view invisible objects?

Definition at line 1268 of file gem.h.

bool gemActor::visible

is visible to clients ?

Definition at line 1267 of file gem.h.

psWorkGameEvent* gemActor::workEvent

Definition at line 1292 of file gem.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: