Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12345]
 CNetBase::AccessPointersStruct used by MessageCracker and ToString to distribute a number of access pointers
 CAdminCmdDataBase class for all the data classes for admin commands
 CAdminCmdDataFactoryClass containing object factory for AdminCmdData objects
 CAdminCmdOnOffToggleParserBase class for on, off, toggle string Parser
 CAdminCmdRewardParserClass for parsing rewards data from a command string and storing it
 CAdminCmdSubCommandParserClass for storing subcommands for a specific word position
 CAdminCmdTargetParserClass for parsing a target of a admin command
 CAdvisorStructHolds data on an 'advisor' in the world
 CApplicativeScriptApplicativeScript is the applied script container
 CAttackerHistoryA record in a gemActor's attacker history
 CAutoexecClass handling autoexecution of commands at the startup
 CBanManagerHolds list of banned accounts and IP ranges
 CBaseMusicalScore< MeasureType, MeasureElementType >Implements a musical score
 CBehaviorA set of operations building a generic behavior for a NPC
 CBehaviorSetThis is the set of Behaviors available for an NPC
 CBorderDefinitionDefines the images that make the border up
 CCacheManagerThis class manages the caching of data that is unchanging during server operation
 CCCheckThis application checks for duplicate meshfact and texture inclusions in art files
 CCharacterAttributeBase class for several other classes which hold character attributes of different sorts
 CcharVariableThis is used to char a charVariable
 CgemActor::ChatHistoryEntryInfo: Stores a chat history element
 CChatSettingsStruct for returning and setting settings
 CClientConnectionSetThis class is a list of several CLient objects, it's designed for finding clients very fast based on their clientnum or their IP address
 CClientStatusLoggerLogs client status to document
 CFPoptimizer_CodeTree::CodeTree< Value_t >
 CColumnDefDefines the structure of the list box table
 CCombinationConstructionEach item has a list of items required for its construction
 CCOMMANDThis is a little class to store an array of commands and functions to call with each command
 CCommandGroupDefines a command group
 CCommandListDefines a command listing
 CConfigHolds an updater configuration file
 CNetBase::ConnectionThis class holds data for a connection
 CConsoleOutSimple static class for controlled user output
 CRecipeManager::CorrespondenceKeeps details about the matches between script actions and NPC Operations
 CCraftComboInfoEach item contains craft information about a craft combination
 CCraftSkillsEach item contains the craft skills for the craft step
 CCraftTransInfoEach item contains craft information about a craft transformation step
 CCreationChoiceA Creation Choice that the client can make
 CcsComparator< csRef< psNetPacketEntry >, csRef< psNetPacketEntry > >
 CBaseMusicalScore< MeasureType, MeasureElementType >::CursorThis is part of the BaseMusicalScore API
 CCustomChoiceDefines a character creation choice for change of appearance
 CpsNPCClient::DeferredNPCKeep information about deferred NPCs during loading
 CDialogHistoryThis class right now holds a simple circular MRU list of responses, so the npc can tell if he is getting the same question over and over
 CdtBVNodeBounding volume node
 CdtCrowdProvides local steering behaviors for a group of agents
 CdtCrowdAgentRepresents an agent managed by a dtCrowd object
 CdtCrowdAgentParamsConfiguration parameters for a crowd agent
 CdtCrowdNeighbourProvides neighbor data for agents managed by the crowd
 CdtLinkDefines a link between polygons
 CdtMeshHeaderProvides high level information related to a dtMeshTile object
 CdtMeshTileDefines a navigation mesh tile
 CdtNavMeshA navigation mesh based on tiles of convex polygons
 CdtNavMeshCreateParamsRepresents the source data used to build an navigation mesh tile
 CdtNavMeshParamsConfiguration parameters used to define multi-tile navigation meshes. The values are used to allocate space during the initialization of a navigation mesh
 CdtNavMeshQueryProvides the ability to perform pathfinding related queries against a navigation mesh
 CdtOffMeshConnectionDefines an navigation mesh off-mesh connection within a dtMeshTile object. An off-mesh connection is a user defined traversable connection made up to two vertices
 CdtPathCorridorRepresents a dynamic polygon corridor used to plan agent movement. ,
 CdtPolyDefines a polyogn within a dtMeshTile object
 CdtPolyDetailDefines the location of detail sub-mesh data within a dtMeshTile
 CdtQueryFilterDefines polygon filtering and traversal costs for navigation mesh query operations
 CduDebugDrawAbstract debug draw interface
 CEdgeRepresents the Edge in a PathNetwork
 CEEditInputboxManagerA class that manages the inputbox windows
 CEEditToolboxA base class for all eedit toolbox windows
 CEEditToolboxManagerA class that manages a group of toolbox windows
 CpsUserCommands::EMOTEStruct to hold our emote data
 CUserManager::EMOTEStruct to hold our emote data
 CExchangingCharacterExchangingCharacter holds relevant information about character that is participating in exchange of items with another character
 CFactionAn ingame faction group
 CFactionLifeEventThis struct stores the values and text used for the dynamically generated life events based on factions
 CFactionSetThis class is a set of faction structures
 CFactionStandingThis struct stores the particular score of a particular player to a particular faction
 CFunctionParserBase< Value_t >
 CFunctionParserBase< double >
 CFunctionParserBase< float >
 CFunctionParserBase< GmpInt >
 CFunctionParserBase< long >
 CFunctionParserBase< long double >
 CFunctionParserBase< MpfrFloat >
 CFunctionParserBase< std::complex< double > >
 CFunctionParserBase< std::complex< float > >
 CFunctionParserBase< std::complex< long double > >
 CFunctionParserBase< Value_t >::FunctionWrapper
 CgemMeshThis is a helper class that defines a mesh on the server
 CGenericRefQueue< queuetype, refType >A queue of smart pointers with locking facilties for multi-threading
 CGenericRefQueue< NetPacketQueueRefCount, csWeakRef >
 CglyphSlotInfoUsed by psCharacter::CreateGlyphList()
 CGMEventsAssignmentStructure for assigned GM Events
 CGuildNotifySubscriptionInformation about client that asked us to tell him when some guild data change
 CHateListThis object represents the entities which have attacked or hurt the NPC and prioritizes them
 CHireSessionThe Hire Sessin will manage all aspects related to a specefic hiring of a NPC
 CiCommandCatcherThis defines an interface for intercepting commands instead of handling them locally in the server console
 CIconMap windows to their pawsButtons on the control panel
 CiDeathCallbackThis class generically allows objects to be notified when a gemActor dies
 CiDeleteObjectCallbackThis class generically allows objects to be notified when a gemObject is removed
 CiEffectIDAllocatorHelper interface to allocate effect IDs
 CInstrumentThis class represent a musical instrument
 CInstrumentManagerThis class keeps and manage the musical instruments
 CiOnMeterEnteredListenerInterface implemented by a pawsMeterPromptWindow listener
 CiOnStringEnteredActionThis interface defines the callback used by pawsStringPromptWindow to notify another window of a supplied answer
 CiSongManagerListenerThis interface implemets a listener to client song events
 CiSoundControlListenerInterface to implement to handle SoundControl's events
 CpsGUIInventoryMessage::ItemDescriptionA small struct to hold item info after read out of message
 CItemRequirementThis is a struct used by item stats to say that a person must have a certain level at a certain skill to use the weapon effectively
 CEdge::IteratorIterator base class for Forward and Reverse Iterators
 CpawsWidget::iWidgetDataA class that can be inherited to store extra data in a widget
 CKnowledgeAreaA KnowledgeArea is a set of triggers and answers the NPC can provide when asked
 CpsEntityLabels::labelRowThis describes one row of text displayed on entity label
 CLifeEventChoiceDefines the structure needed to send a life event across the network
 CNPC::LocateStructure to hold located positions
 CLocationA Location is a named place on the map, located dynamically by NPCs as scripted
 CLocationManagerManager that manage all locations and location types
 CLocationTypeThis stores a vector of positions listing a set of points defining a common type of location, such as a list of burning fires or guard stations–whatever the NPCs need
 CLootEntryThis class holds one loot possibility for a killed npc
 CLootEntrySetThis class stores an array of LootEntry and calculates required loot on a newly dead mob
 CLootModifierThis class holds one loot modifier The lootRandomizer contions arrays of these
 CLootRandomizerThis class stores an array of LootModifiers and randomizes loot stats
 CMaterialSetDefines a material set
 CMathEnvironmentA specific MathEnvironment to be used in a MathScript
 CMathExpressionThe base expression class
 CMathScriptEngineThis holds all the formulas loaded from the MathScript table and provides a container for them
 CMathVarThis holds information about a specific variable in a specific MathEnvironment to be used for MathScripts and allows setting/retrieving all data related to it
 CMeasure< MeasureElementType >A measure containing measure elements
 CMeasure< MeasureElement >
 CMeasure< MeasureElementType >::MeasureAttributesKeep general attributes that can change from a measure to another like key signature, beats and tempo
 CMeasureElementAn element of a measure with a given duration
 CpsMainWidget::mesgOptionUsed to store an option about on screen options
 Cgoogle_breakpad::minidump_size< T >
 Cgoogle_breakpad::minidump_size< MDCVInfoPDB20 >
 Cgoogle_breakpad::minidump_size< MDCVInfoPDB70 >
 Cgoogle_breakpad::minidump_size< MDImageDebugMisc >
 Cgoogle_breakpad::minidump_size< MDRawMemoryList >
 Cgoogle_breakpad::minidump_size< MDRawModule >
 Cgoogle_breakpad::minidump_size< MDRawModuleList >
 Cgoogle_breakpad::minidump_size< MDRawThreadList >
 Cgoogle_breakpad::minidump_size< MDString >
 CMinigamePlayerStructure to hold player data
 CNaturalResourceThis class keeps natural resource concentrations across the world
 CNearNaturalResourceThis class keeps the hit of natural resources found for the player and allows ordering of them in an array
 CNetBaseThis class acts as a base for client/server net classes
 CNoteA single note in a musical score
 CNote::NoteContextUsed to keep track of previous altered notes in the current measure
 CNpcDialogMenuHolds the trigger menu, if it exists, for a given location in a dialog
 CnpcMeshThis is a helper class that defines a mesh on the server
 CNpcResponseThis class holds several possible responses and an action script for the npc to run whenever an appropriate trigger is triggered
 CNPCStatusThis class is used to record the status of the npcclient to display it on a website so people can see the status of it
 CNpcTermA phrase recognized by the dialog system
 CNpcTriggerSentenceSentence written by the user represented as sequence of known terms
 CNPCTypeA collection of behaviors and reactions will represent a type of npc
 CoptionEntryThis class rappresents an option tree which comes from the server_options table
 COrderedMessageChannelThis class holds the structure for guaranteed inbound ordering of certain message types
 CPathDefinitionUsed to define a path in character creation
 CpawsBorderThis is a class that draws the border around a widget
 CpawsChatHistoryThis stores the text the player has entered into their edit window
 CpawsFingeringReceiverThis interface receive OnFingering notification from the FingeringWindow
 CpawsMenuActionWhen pawsMenu is created, target of notification messages (OnMenuAction) must be set by SetNotify() method
 CpawsMouseThe mouse pointer
 CpawsPrefManagerHolds/Loads the prefs from a pref file
 CpawsScriptKeyA paws script key
 CpawsStylesClass pawsStyles keeps definitions of PAWS styles - a PAWS style is collection of XML attributes and XML nodes that are automatically applied to all PAWS XML widgets that are using this PAWS style
 CPendingQuestion"Questions" are general requests of information from user
 CPerceptionThis embodies any perception an NPC might have, or any game event of interest
 CPictureInfoPictureInfo hold the information of pictures that would be display in the same row with the same format
 CPoolAllocator< TEMPLATE_CLASS >
 CPoolAllocator< psActionLocation >
 CPoolAllocator< psCharacter >
 CPoolAllocator< psGlyph >
 CPoolAllocator< psItem >
 CPoolAllocator< psItemStats >
 CGEMClientActor::PostLoadDataPost load data
 CProgressionScriptProgressionScript is the imperative script container
 CpsActionLocationThis class stores all the properties of an action location Entrance, return location, name, response type, trigger
 CpsAttackTypeThis struct holds data for generic attack types This could be for example an assassin attack which would require maybe daggers
 CpsAttitudeBlockThis is an attitude class data that has the responses
 CpsBuddyManagerClass to handle buddies
 CpsCharacterInventoryThis class handles the details behind a character's inventory system
 CpsCharacterLimitationThis class allows CacheManager to yield a list of qualifying values given a player's score at something
 CpsCharacterLoaderThis class controls loading and saving Characters and Character specific data to and from an iDatabase
 CpsCharacterQuestManagerClass to manager a characters quest details
 CpsCharControllerManages all control and movement related activities
 CpsCharModeA character mode and its properties
 CpsCollisionDetectionCollision Detection (CD) related class
 CpsCommandManagerThis class handles the permission system such as Game Masters and Role play masters
 CpsControlDefines a generic button trigger
 CpsControlManagerManages button functions and triggers
 CpsCSSetupA helper class to setup Crystal Space and mount some dirs
 CpsDialogManagerThis is used to handle <specificknowledge> and <specialresponse> tags
 CpsEffectThe effect class
 CpsEffect2DElementBase class for all possible 2D Effect Elements
 CpsEffect2DRendererThe manager of all 2D effect elements
 CpsEffectAnchorEffect anchors provide a base location / anchor point for all effect objs
 CpsEffectAnchorKeyFrameStores data for a specific effect anchor keyframe
 CpsEffectObjAn effect is not much more than a collection of effect objects
 CpsEffectObjKeyFrameStores data for a specific effect object keyframe
 CpsEmitterThis object represents a planeshift soundEmitter
 CpsEnginePsEngine This is the main class that contains all the object
 CpsEntityThis object represents a planeshift entity sound
 CpsEntityLabelsClass psEntityLabels serves for creation and management of 2D sprites hanging above cel-entities that display entity names and possibly guilds
 CpsGameEventAll scheduled events must inherit from this class
 CpsGuildInfoHolds data for a guild
 CpsGuildLevelDefines a level inside a guild
 CpsGuildMemberDefines a guild member in a guild
 CpsImageRegionThis class stores all required info for a particular region
 CpsItemAmmoStatsThis little class holds info about Ammunition for Ranged Weapons
 CpsItemAnimationEach weapon specifies what anims can be used with it
 CpsItemArmorStatsThis class stores an items various armour related information
 CpsItemCreativeStatsThis class holds info about Creative items such as books, etc
 CpsItemStatFlagsA list of the flags mapped to their IDs
 CpsItemWeaponStatsThis class holds the various cached database information relating to the weapon skills of a an item_stat
 CpsLinearMovementMovement related class
 CpsLocalizationLocalization class for languages
 CpsMarriageManagerThis class manages all marriage related stuff
 CpsMessageBytesThis struct represents the data that is sent out through the network (all additional stuff should go into the struct MsgEntry
 CpsMessageCrackerAll net messages inherit from this class
 CpsMiniGameBoardWrapper class for game board
 CpsMiniGameBoardDefGame board definition class
 CpsMouseBindsPsMouseBinds holds set of psMouseAction
 CpsMovementA character movement and its properties
 CpsMoveStateUsed to save movement state to detect changes
 CpsMusicThis object represents a planeshift Soundtrack
 CpsNetInfosGives informations about the network connection
 CpsNetPacketPsNetPacket gives the networking code the context it needs, and all of this info goes out on the wire
 CpsNPCDialogThis class exists per NPC, and holds all dialog triggers, responses and scripts for this particular NPC by holding references to his/her Knowledge Areas
 CpsNPCLoaderThis is a utility class used to load/save NPCs from/to an XML file Was used in the past to load NPCs created by people with no access to the database or webconsole
 CpsOperProfileStatistics for one operation
 CpsOperProfileSetStatistics for all kinds of operations This class is abstract, you have to inherit from it to use it, for example add a method that will be called to collect statistics
 CpsPathNetworkA network of Waypoint and psPath objects
 CpsPathPointRepresents a point on a path between two waypoints
 CpsPetitionInfoContains data for one petition
 CpsQuestionPsQuestion is superclass of all question types
 CpsRaceInfoDefines characteristics of a race associated to an NPC, player or pet
 CpsResponseA simple response
 CpsRewardDataReward Data is an abstract structure for all kinds of rewards
 CpsScanlineThis struct just stores the left and right side of each line in a psRegion
 CpsServerThe main server class
 CpsServerPingerClass psServerPinger takes care about sending pings to a server in Login screen
 CpsShadowManagerCreate shadows under the player/NPC/item entity
 CpsSkillCacheImplements the skill cache both on the server and on the client
 CpsSkillCacheItemPsSkillCacheItem item is one stat or skill in the skill cache
 CpsSkillDescriptionDescribes a skill description inside the GUI system
 CpsSkillInfoRepresents a skill an NPC, player or pet can learn
 CpsSolidCollider creation class
 CpsSoundSectorWork in progress - Looks like a mishap
 CpsSpecialResponseA special NPC response
 CpsStopWatchUsed to measure time intervals
 CpsTextureFactoryThis class reads in the xml file defining regions and maintains the preload list of textures
 CpsToggleSimple Toggle with callback functionality
 CpsTradeCombinationsThis class holds the master list of all trade combinations possible in the game
 CpsTradePatternsThis class holds the master list of all trade patterns possible in the game
 CpsTraitRepresent a visual feature of character customization like hair style, color of eyes, skin color, ..
 CpsTriggerBlockA set of trigger data
 CpsTriggerHandlerHandles functions for each trigger
 CpsVelocityAn entity's translational and angular velocity
 CpsVitalManager< Vital >Manages a set of Vitals and does the predictions and updates on them when new data comes from the server
 CpsWorldPsWorld is in charge of managing all regions (zone map files) and loading/unloading them as needed
 CQuestAssignmentThis structure tracks assigned quests
 CRaceDefinitionDefines a race
 CRandomizedOverlayStores the randomized stats from the loot randomizer, it could be used to apply any global special effect which is able to change various properties of the item: cost, mesh, name..
 CrcCompactCellProvides information on the content of a cell column in a compact heightfield
 CrcCompactHeightfieldA compact, static heightfield representing unobstructed space
 CrcCompactSpanRepresents a span of unobstructed space within a compact heightfield
 CrcConfigSpecifies a configuration to use when performing Recast builds
 CrcContextProvides an interface for optional logging and performance tracking of the Recast build process
 CrcContourRepresents a simple, non-overlapping contour in field space
 CrcContourSetRepresents a group of related contours
 CrcHeightfieldA dynamic heightfield representing obstructed space
 CrcHeightfieldLayerRepresents a heightfield layer within a layer set
 CrcHeightfieldLayerSetRepresents a set of heightfield layers
 CrcIntArrayA simple dynamic array of integers
 CrcPolyMeshRepresents a polygon mesh suitable for use in building a navigation mesh
 CrcPolyMeshDetailContains triangle meshes that represent detailed height data associated with the polygons in its associated polygon mesh object
 CrcScopedDelete< T >A simple helper class used to delete an array when it goes out of scope
 CrcSpanRepresents a span in a heightfield
 CrcSpanPoolA memory pool used for quick allocation of spans within a heightfield
 CReactionA reaction embodies the change in desire which occurs in an NPC when he perceives something
 Cgoogle_breakpad::PageStdAllocator< T >::rebind< U >
 CRecipeThis object represents recipes for the tribe AI
 CRecipeManagerClass that represents the Recipe Manager of the game
 CRecipeTreeNodeThis class represents a leaf in a recipe tree
 CRemoteDebugKeep track of remote debugging
 CRecipe::RequirementData structure to keep information about requirements
 CResponseOperationPossible actions scriptable in the quest engine all inherit from this class
 CResultThis is a wrapper class for result sets which makes syntax for getting at the data easier and also uses dtors to make ResultSets safer from memory leaks
 CpsPathNetwork::RouteFilterTemplate class for implementing waypoint filtering when calculating routes
 Cgoogle_breakpad::scoped_array< T >
 Cgoogle_breakpad::scoped_array< google_breakpad::CustomInfoEntry >
 Cgoogle_breakpad::scoped_ptr< T >
 Cgoogle_breakpad::scoped_ptr< google_breakpad::CrashGenerationClient >
 Cgoogle_breakpad::scoped_ptr< google_breakpad::MinidumpGenerator >
 Cgoogle_breakpad::scoped_ptr_malloc< T, FreeProc >
 CScopedTimerCheck how long time it take to process a scope
 CScopedTimerCBCallback function for ScopedTimers
 CScoreContextThis is used to keep track of everything needed to play a score and provide some utility functions for this purpose
 CScoreStatisticsThis struct keeps general information about a score
 CScriptOperationThis is the base class for all operations in action scripts
 CNetBase::SendQueueStats_tMoving averages
 CServerStatusThis class generates logs at a particular interval that has information that can be displayed later on a website
 CSingleton< T >
 CSingleton< EntityManager >
 CSingleton< EventManager >
 CSingleton< LogCSV >
 CSingleton< PawsManager >
 CSingleton< ServerSongManager >
 CSingleton< SoundSectorManager >
 CSingleton< SoundSystemManager >
 CSingleton< UpdaterConfig >
 CSingleton< UpdaterEngine >
 CSkillA structure that holds the knowledge/practice/rank of each player skill
 CSkinToneSetHolds a set of skin tone
 CSlotNameHashA hash map class that stores a name->ID of sockets
 CSongDataThis struct keeps the data about the instrument and the musical sheet
 CSoundDataSoundData is the datakeeper of
 CSoundDataCacheSoundDataCache is the data-keeper of SoundSystemManager
 CSoundFileClass that contains the most important informations about a soundfile It contains the name, filename and if loaded the data
 CSoundQueueUsed to put Sounds in a Queue and play them in the order they have been added
 CSoundQueueItemQueue object for
 CSoundSystemThis is an Interface Class to the Crystalspace Soundrenderer
 CSpawnRangeThis class is used to store respawn ranges for NPCs
 CSpawnRuleThis class is used to store respawn rules for NPCs
 CStatRepresents a stat for the NPC
 CSubscriptionManages a iNetSubscriber watching a certain message type
 CTraitDefines a character trait
 CRecipeManager::TribeDataKeeps details of all tribes enrolled in the manager
 CUnresolvedPosThis is information about an entity with unresolved position (=sector not found) This happens when some entity is located in map that is not currently loaded
 CValueModifierThis structure contains the parsed data from Attributes recarding script variables
 CVitalA character vital (such as HP or Mana) - client side
 CWaypointA waypoint is a specified circle on the map with a name, location, and a list of waypoints it is connected to
 CWaypointAliasClass to hold information regarding aliases for waypoints
 CWBNameStructure to relate windows with their buttons for lookup
 CWeatherInfoStruct for information about current weather
 CWeatherManagerThis class handles generation of any and all weather events in the game, including rain, snow, locust storms, day/night cycles, etc
 CWeatherObjectHolds the weather object, need this because some things have been created but do not have an object persay
 CWeatherPortalHolds the weather meshes and connected portal
 CpsSectorInfo::weatherTypeDataStructure used to store informations for various weather types in this sector
 CpawsEditTextBox::WordStruct to contain the end boundry of a word and it's spellcheck status
 CpawsMultilineEditTextBox::WordStruct to contain the end boundry of a word and it's spellcheck status
 CZodiacStruct for the zodiacs
 CZoneLoadInfoInformation for loading a specific zone
 CcsArray< csTuple2< const ActiveSpell *, float > >
 CcsArray< csTuple2< const ActiveSpell *, int > >
 CcsHash< FunctionPointer, msgtype >
 CcsList< csTuple2< const ActiveSpell *, psRaceInfo * > >